Elder scrolls oblivion mods infinite sword
Elder scrolls oblivion mods infinite sword

elder scrolls oblivion mods infinite sword

These will be released as added and as time permits.

  • We are also planning on compatibility addon mods (mini esp's) to maintain compatibility with the most popular game-balancing and loot modification mods.
  • #Elder scrolls oblivion mods infinite sword mod#

    The original release of the Mod for TES4:Oblivion will be compatible with the stock 'out of the box' game.All Lore spells are either variations on standard Oblivion spells, or completely new spells. Some very special Lore scrolls will add their spell permanently to the user's list. Lore: Special "Lore" type effects will be implemented, adding new spells to the user's spellbook when their item is equipped, and removing said spells when unequipped.(eg, armor would not have 'cast on strikes' effects, and weapons would not have 'constant effect' effects) Magical: Virtually every conceivable type of magic enhancement available in Oblivion, appropriate to gear type.Mundane: Weapon Damage, weapon speed, weapon reach, item value, item weight, armor level.Inclusion of community-created models & textures (weapons/armor/etc) for some of the end-result items.Ĭurrent List of possible Effects on Items.Lore Scrolls, that add special spells permanently to the reader's spellbook.Lore Items that add special spells to user's spellbook when equipped and remove when unequipped.Possibility for negative alterations to items.Combinations of attribute and magic enhanced gear of all types.(weapons, armor, staves, clothing, jewelry) Suffixes and Prefixes can be either positive or negative in nature, and cover everything from altering the item's base weight, value, speed, reach, damage, armor rating, and a ton of magical effects ranging from simple cast on strikes, to multiple constant effects. The result is nearly 6.5 million possible items (6,500,000+). This will continually give new items the chance of being found as the character (or NPC/Mob) grows in level.Īt this time, there are over 100 Prefixes and 350 Suffixes that can be combined with nearly 250 base Oblivion items. Most of the high-end effects and enchantments can be found at or over level 40-45. SI items and effects/enchantments are scaled all the way up to level 52 (the theoretical maximum level of an Oblivion character). Lastly, we are engineering Split Infinity to add a new dimension of interest in keeping the player hunting for new gear. It will result in a balanced mix of unique and interesting items that shouldn't overpower the character, but will enhance their gameplay significantly. The end result will be a good chance of finding lower-level SI items in many containers and on many mobs, and lower chances of finding better higher-level SI items as the character and mobs gain levels. The frequency of Split Infinity items will be adjusted according to mob and character levels, and the custom mods it is eventually integrated with. The difference in value won't be so much as to make the loot valueless, so it can still be considered a worthy find. Most Split Infinity gear will be lower in value than normal Oblivion items - we are trying to make this gear you will use in adventuring, not as a basis for building up your character's wealth. Now you have a chance of finding altered gear with unique names, and possibly unique enchantments. No longer will you find standard gear on every single creature, or in every chest. The goal of Split Infinity is to add a new dimension to in-game loot. Thread with some explanation Link broken, unfortunately.Another thread (the upper one is dead) Broken link as of 17 March, 2008.

    elder scrolls oblivion mods infinite sword elder scrolls oblivion mods infinite sword

    Official WIP thread on the Bethesda Oblivion Modding Forums.The new version of RandItem is being converted/written by Dave Humphrey for Oblivion use, and the SI mod in general is being managed by Jaga Telesin. The backend for this project is a new version of Dave Humphrey's RandItem program, which was originally developed for TES3:Morrowind, and can be found at the old pages. Items will be found in chests and other loot containers, from random NPCs, and as loot discovered on slain monsters. Ex: "Champion's Katana", or "Glass Cuirass of Four Winds". The best description of the results can be given as loot similar to Diablo II items. A major work-in-progress mod for TES4:Oblivion, Split Infinity aims to add several hundred thousand unique and fully randomized items to the Oblivion leveled loot lists.

    Elder scrolls oblivion mods infinite sword